I'm not Jehovah's Witness either.
To Mulan who said that "In the US, it is not legal to marry a first cousin, so they went to Canada, where it was legal at that time." : It is legal in Canada still to marry a first cousin. In the United States, there are states where it is legal to marry your first cousin. You can marry your first cousin in the following states: AK, AL, CA, CO, CT, FL, GA, HI, MD, MA, NJ, NM, NY, NC, RI, SC, TN, TX, VT, VA and Washington DC. In some places like Utah, Indiana, Illinois, Arizona, and Wisconsin require that the couple be sterile/unable to have children in order to be allowed to marry. Second cousins and so on are able to marry in all states in the US. [www.cuddleinternational.com]
"The frequency of cousin marriages in the USA is about 1 in 1,000 " http://www.cousincouples.com/info/facts.shtml
Marrying a cousin is legal in pretty much all parts of the world, except for certain states in the US.
In the Old Testament, Isaac married his first cousin, Rebecca, and Jacob married his two first cousins, Rachel and Leah. Many famous people married their cousins and produced bright children. Albert Einstein is an example.
A_Revelation, if you're worried about genetic defects, consult a genetic counselor. I'm sure they would help. There is a woman who is pregnant that is a friend in the UK who went to get her check up and she told her doctor that she and her husband were first cousins. The doctor replied something like "so are my husband and I". Being married/cousin relationships is not as uncommon as one would think.
Anyways, if people are interested about cousin couples and relationships and want facts, visit these excellent websites: www.cuddleinternational.com and www.cousincouples.com. One is a site mainly dedicated to educating people on cousin relationships and changing laws and the other is mainly a support site for those involved in cousin relationships or were involved in a cousin relationship.